Event | 2017 Tour of Merseyside - Overall Standings |
Name | Adam Gallimore | Club | WARMINSTER RC | Race Number | 5116 | Date | 08/07/2017 |
Gender | Male | Gender Position | 168 of 190 | Category | MV45 | Category Position | 35 of 38 |
Southport Half | 02:18:22 | Stage Position | 270 |
Thurstaton | 01:03:38 | Stage Position | 261 |
Sustrans | 01:40:46 | Stage Position | 256 |
Raging Red Bull | 00:51:50 | Stage Position | 269 |
Knowsley | 00:55:22 | Stage Position | 208 |
Wirral CR | 02:13:39 | Stage Position | 253 |
Chip Time | 09:03:37 | Chip Position | 245 |